Take care of your hand hygiene, Australia
Every year, the treatment of hundreds of patients in Australia is complicated by infections contracted during health care. These infections can extend the period of illness, increase the severity of illness, and even cause death.
The single most effective method of preventing these infections is proper hand hygiene.
What is proper hand hygiene?
What is Hand Washing? It’s the act of cleaning your hands to prevent the spread of germs, diseases, bacteria and promote general cleanliness. But you probably already knew that.
What is *Proper* Hand Washing? That is a bit more complicated. Perhaps it is easier to start by telling you what it is NOT: It is not simply rinsing your hands under running water, perhaps with some soap. Nope, that doesn’t do much except give you a sense that you’ve accomplished something.
Proper hand washing is about being thorough in washing every aspect of your hands, including under nails, around rings, and between every part of the fingers. Soap is absolutely necessary, as it running water. Washing with soap and running water should take place for at least 15 seconds.
Here’s the essentials distilled down as convenient dot points:
- Use soap and running water
- Be deliberate in covering every area of your hands vigorously, including under nails, around rings and between the closest parts of each finger. (Vigour and friction helps remove bacteria)
- Wash hands for at least 15 seconds
- Consider the sink, including the faucet controls, contaminated.
- Use a dry paper towel to turn faucet off.
- To keep soap from becoming a breeding place for microorganisms, thoroughly clean soap dispensers before refilling with fresh soap.
- Squirt GlitterBug Potion onto your hands and rub it in, just as you would with moisturiser
- Wash and dry your hands
- Use the UV Torch to illuminate all the lotion that hasn’t been washed out. This represents germs which have been left to spread to everything you touch.