Hand washing training in restaurants
It’s taken time, but it finally appears that hand washing training in restaurants is finally starting to become important. Let me clarify what I mean by important.
It’s not “remember to wash your hands after going to the toilet”.
It’s not “wash your hands before you start work”.
It’s not telling staff that hand washing is important.
It’s not putting posters up on the walls with funny pictures to try and encourange people how to wash their hands.
It’s about showing people how to wash their hands. It’s about watching them do it. It’s about testing what they do. And finally, it’s about policing it afterwards.
Up until recently everyone just assumed people knew how to wash their hands. Every 15 year old knows how to wash their hands so why bother with hand washing training? So lip service was given to the importance of washing hands, but in many cases, that’s all it was.
Many food safety trainers now use Glitterbug Hand Washing Training Lotion as part of their course which has been great. It gives attendees a chance to actually see how effective (or ineffective) their hand washing technique is.
But now we have restaurant owners and chefs saying “wow, I didn’t know we could use it ourself”. Of course you can. It’s quick, simple, and inexpensive.
So next time you are conducting hand washing training in restaurants, why not do it with style – Glitterbug.